Well, been long not come back to write anything in my blog...what I have been up to...?
Menyelesaikan semua urusan gono gini di kampus buat namatin program TPB gua yang bisa dibilang uda super telat..., man..., it was't so easy! Satu bulan terakhir is compeletly hari-hari yang melelahkan. Ditambah lagi nyokap gua yang baru aja selesai operasi kantung empedu. Pre and post surgery gua otomatis harus ada di samping nyokap buat nemenin dia anytime I had time. She had been hospitalized for a month. But thanks God for the days we had. If sompe pople in this world call it sorrow, I might call ity joy!
Well, gua harus bersyukur karena lewat masa-masa sulit itu gua bisa merasakan kalo God ngasih gua dan keluarga gua banyak berkat. Gua ga pernah ngebayangin kalo nyokap harus melalui begitu banyak hari-harinya di rumah sakit, terbaring lemah, merasakan dan menahan sakit, berharap sembuh, dan menanggung semua beban. Pada akhirnya, semua dapat dilalui! We pass it through.. Besok nyokap balik dari RS Cikini, whom I hope, would be the last hospital mom visit because of the sickness she's been suffer on.
Bayu Asih - Santosa Bandung Internasional Hospital - RSUP Hasan Sadikin Bandung - RS St. Borromeus Bandung - RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta - RS PGI Cikini Jakarta...those all! Udah cukup nyokap berada di semua tempat itu just for one thing...SEMBUH! After all, health is better than wealth is totally TRUE! Thanks God uda mengizinkan semua ini terjadi. We may know that we're blessed since all the needs for this had been provided in exact time, never been late, we had never been want. And knowing that thing is a grace! Thanks God juga buat semua experiences yang gua temui di rumah sakit selama nyokap dirawat. So much things, new, I had never been seen, I finally could see there, along that time.
Health is better than wealth! It's true!
Abba is our healer! It's trully true!
Mom, she's been cured by the mighty hand! I know it's true!
God bless!