Thursday, March 24, 2011

in tough times we're strong

now playing, repeated. time to sleep now..

points to ponder:
  • some things happen in this world are just out of our control, but the natures has its cycle. the tides will come in and out.
  • resistance is important. when tough times come, that's the exact time to prove how strong we could resist it.
  • praying is actually a practice which nature will adjust with. we let go what happened, then hoping what to come. things changed, just when we pray we ask for good and that's ok. even we ask for trial, that's ok too. we need to be tested to get stronger.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Been so bothered dengan email2 otomatis yang unitentionally terkirim melalui email hotmail gw. Beberapa teman yang rajin cek email sempat buka link yang disertakan dalam email itu trus bilang, "Email lu kenapa, Tur? Parah, hahaha!" Setelah gw cek di sent items ternyata ada email2 siluman yang ga pernah gue kirim, tapi ya terkirim. 

Kalau temen gw yang nerima ya masi bisa tolerable lah malunya, gw juga bisa jelasin. Lha ini, orang2 tertentu yang adoooh.. One of the email was sent to some friends + (purnomo _ soekirno @ si. itb. ac. id), dosen wali gue. Ini mah ga sopan namanya, karena isi link yang di dalam email tersebut adalah webpage komersial viagra, obat kuat, semacamnya. Absurd!