Sunday, December 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today, Mom has turned 48. Firstly, I wanna thank The Almighty God for giving us such this wonderful grace. It’s a blessing knowing that your Mom is still okay and being happy. Now, she is miles away from me, somewhere in the east cost of Sumatra while I’m here in Bandung.

We haven't seen for 2 months, maybe less or more but we constantly burn the phone lines. I longed to hear Mom’s voice as she’s been in Medan for the last 2 months for an intensive medical check up. What could I say since it’s gonna be Christmas and I just can wait ‘till she feel better to take the flight back to Jakarta. I wish she would been home before Christmas's Eve.

"Happy Birthday my Mom and I do want you to know that everything you did touches my heart everyday of my life.

You always help me get through anything.

Your prayers is a blessing.

You always make me realize that life is good.

Your smile brightens my day and you know that!

Mom, I want you to know - I am so blessed that you are my Mommy and Angel and I love you dearly…

Happy Birthday, Mama!" ~TYO


  1. kMu enak y,,,msh bs biLang met ultah ke mama km..
    kmu msh bs ngerasain ksh sayang dy..msh bs d dkt dy,,msh bs ngerasain natal bareng dy..
    kmu msh beruntung..!
    Klo aq sampe kpn pun gak bs lg nikmati itw smua coZ dy dah ad d surga ma Tuhan..
    Tgl 26 desember nti hari ultahnya..andai aja dy msh d tengah" Qmi ngrayain natal bareng,,aq pasti lebih" bersyukur...

  2. Bukan yang punya blog :"Do you know what is the happiest thing all mother wants? Only one, have a child like you!" :D
