Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Inconsistency to humiliate - Know ye Love first then be wise!

Sangat sedih mendengar berita beberapa saat yang lalu mengenai kedatangan Miss Universe 2007, Riyo Mori, di Bandung. Sekelompok masyarakat menentang dan menolak kedatangan Riyo Mori dengan melakukan demonstrasi di depan Hotel Savoy Homan di Jalan Asia-Afrika, Bandung.

What's so wrong with Riyo Mori's visit to Bandung? What's so wrong with her? And what's so good with those people who demonstrated to reject Miss Universe 2007 Riyo Mori to come to Bandung? Inilah yang tidak dapat dimengerti dari bangsa Indonesia. C'mon, open your eyes and be wise, please! Are you sure you guys are better than Riyo Myori so that you said Miss Universe is the symbol of sexual immorality of the world. It's really unbelievable how you said so. Lebih jauh lagi, para demostran juga mengatakan bahwa tidak selayaknya Riyo Myori dihormati karena predikat tersebut. Well, who say she is the symbol of world's sexual immorality? You did? Okay, let's see this!

Kebenaran akan terungkap cepat atau lambat. Kita tidak perlu meneriakkan kita berada di mana karena semua itu akan terlihat dari apa yang dapat kita perbuat dan hasilkan. We don't have right to judge human whether he/she has sinned or not. It belongs to God. What's right on human? Nothing!

Jadi, menanggapi masalah demonstrasi terhadap Miss Universe 2007, Riyo Myori, di Bandung, satu kalimat yang layak adalah, SANGAT MENYEDIHKAN. So sad how you must become that cruel and bad toward human who had respected your country so much and turned back to fight against her. Begitu menyedihkan bahwa pemikiran orang Indonesia masih jauh tertinggal dari apa yang dinamakan maju. Kita tidak akan pernah maju jika watak manusia Indonesia masih terus seperti ini.

One most important thing here is consistency. Jika aku tidak harus berkata salah terhadap apa yang telah dilakukan mereka, maka aku akan mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki konsistensi. Jika memang ingin menjadikan Bandung kota yang agamis dan ingin menegakkan nilai-nilai moral, tidak seperti itu seharusnya. Di mana kesadaran orang-orang tersebut saat diadakan kontes pemilihan waria di kota yang katanya ingin dijadikan kota agamis? Where were they? Were you guys shopping in the moon?

Konsistenlah jika memang yakin itu benar. Sekali kita tidak konsisten, maka kita hanya akan membuat malu diri kita sendiri. You hypocrite, brutal ones, stop being as if you're the hero of morality! Lihat persentasi jumlah remaja yang sudah melakukan hubungan sex di luar nikah di Bandung atau di daerah-daerah lainnya di Indonesia. Jangan menutup mata terhadap keburukan bangsa kita ini. Such people are just covered, unseen, but exists everywhere.

What should we do? Tell it to the world and judge Indonesian teenagers and shouting out all of the badness to the world as loud as how the demonstrans yelled against Riyo Myori? No, we must love our nation and its people. In such case we don't want to flaw our people that bad. Instead of being rude, we must have seen this problem wisely. Finding out a good solution for help. But why you just can't do that to a nice girl like Ms. Riyo Myori. Dimanakah konsistensi? Apakah waria lebih baik daripada seorang miss universe?

Sempat aku mengatakan bahwa Riyo Myori telah begitu menghargai negara kita. Terlepas dari berbagai opini tentang miss universe sendiri, aku sempat membaca sebuah petikan kalimat yang diucapkan Riyo Myori saat berkunjung ke Bali di salah satu website. Kalimat yang diucapkannya adalah:

"I really want to learn traditional Balinese dance, because the beauty of the movements and the costume"

Sekarang, dapatkah kita menghargai  sedikit saja orang yang sudah menghargai kita? Perkataan seperti itu adalah penghargaan yang besar, big appreciation for Indonesian and its culture. So why are you still close your eyes? You who demostrated and yelling and scorning and flawing others, can't you just be tender hearted? If we can't even appreciate and respect people who did good to us, how you can still respect others who did wrong against you, at least as he/she is a human who needs respect.

Again, it's not our right to judge. We ought to respect others instead of looking at other's mistakes, respect wrong doers as they still have desire to change good. We don't deserve of forgiveness if we don't forgive others and just the same with respect. God had loved us first yet we're still sinners. How can't we forgive others if the sinned against us?

Riyo Myori, for me, didn't do anything wrong to you, to Bandung, to Indonesian. The fact is that she really respects Indonesia.

We'll be left behind by others nations and have nothing but jealousy seeing them move far away forward like a flash. It's just about thinking a step ahead, being wise. Kalau kita terus melihat sisi negatif seseorang, kita tidak akan pernah maju. Kalu kita masih menggunakan cara berfikir demikian, kita hanya akan jalan ditempat, bergumul dengan segala kemunafikan kita, having fun with the feeling of self-righteous, namun cemburu akan kemajuan bangsa lain sementara tanpa disadari, kenyataannya adalah kita tidak akan pernah bisa sejajar dengan mereka, karena ketidakkonsistenan yang mempermalukan bangsa ini sendiri, cara berfikir konvensional yang hanya mengedepankan emosi dan kesenangan akan huru-hara. Beruntung dunia tidak terlalu menyoroti maslah ini dengan membandingkannya terhadap adanya pemilihan waria kota Bandung. Man, Bandung is not a religious city. What is good by being religious? NOTHING! NOthing is good with dressing in a white clothes but our heart is filled with anguish, hatred, selfishness, and all which is bad. Confess our sin and do good unto others as you how you want others do to you, is what we are supposed to do.

Be wise! You don't need to be religious if you can't love your neighbour. God sees not sacrifices but God sees Love because God is Love.

So how you can get that? We must know the truth. The truth is about Love, the one that gives without asking for reply. True love will never be cruel or even just rude; it sees good things and produce good things.

Banyak hal yang lebih buruk telah terjadi di negeri ini. Semua tidak diungkapkan karena ini sudah seperti sebuah fenomena gunung es. Sekali terungkap akan memalukan. Tapi bukanlah juga pernyataan yang menghakimi yang dibutuhkan oleh orang-orang yang sudah berbuat kesalahan. We're still in this world and we still have time to mend ourselves up. It can happens when we know what the true love is and we will share love, not riot nor judging words.

Guntur Purwanto