Saturday, December 12, 2009

Alive's not living if you don't find problems or hardships. So, never regret what happened cos it shaped you to be stronger than you'd have reckoned. Give thanks for your life and for the people that's in your life. Value what you did good so far, that you've loved the people you care about with all your heart and you've tried your every best to get through everything in your life day by day with all your strength. What you gotta do now is moving forward..and no matter how difficult your past was, realize that your future could be a different story, and it must start somewhere.

Tyo, still remember a line in Forrest Gump movie saying, "My Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!"? A powerful line, huh. So then, just live your present at its best cos you'll never know if you'll get quite much the same tomorrow. Live it, Tyo! Also keep on praying for the needy, keep your love sincere, and seize the day.

Tyo, your life is not about being the best or having the best. It's not about how many friends you have got or if you're alone and nobody cared. It's not about how many competitions you won, it's not about your physical appearance, grades at school, degrees, where you're studying or working, money, possessions. It's not about how many people will turn their head to you or ignore you when you stepped out of the house. It's not about if you're appreciated or despised. Tyo, your life is not only about that. Don't take so much thinking about all of those best being and best having things.

Instead, your life is about how you respect and love yourself and how you respect and love others as you do unto yourself. It's about who you really love..and if you've told them that you love them and care about them (or they never knew how much you love and care?). Again, it's about sharing the love and compassion within you to others who deserve it, even though by the smallest things (cos love often finds its way in the simplicity and the humbleness of sincere doings). Yes Tyo, for your life is not all about stop complaining, never regret the past, and live your life, then share good things. After all, you'll want less and thank more.

Remember when you felt happy while lending your hand to a friend who was in need? That is it! A simple action with sincerity could make people smile, couldn't it? Be a blessing, Tyo! Be a blessing!

Good nite!

-Tyo, a self-motivating note

P.S. Special thanks to someone [special] to have let me learning more how to love without asking for reply!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Hallo Friendster, banyak perubahan dalam dirimu setelah lama ditinggal pergi. Halah, apa si.

Entah mau cerita ke siapa, tapi sekarang perasaan gw lagi ga karu-karuan. Logika gw bilang ngga usah dipikirin lah kalo itu hanya mengeringkan semangat and..dang..I gotta go with that.

Well, just a lil bit ya...

Pagi ini; Sabtu 17 Oktober 2009 usia gw bertambah lagi satu hari. Hari ini pula gw bisa berfikir bahwa satu hari adalah sangat berarti. Satu hari jika dikumpul terus menerus jadi satu bulan, jadi satu tahun, dan entah berapa banyak sejarah kehidupan yang kita tuliskan dalam waktu-waktu itu.

Sudah 22 tahun lebih hidup di dunia yang indah ini, apa yang uda bisa gw lakukan buat orang-orang yang gw sayangi? Belum ada ternyata. Kebanyakan nyusahinnya. Kuliah belum kelar dan honestly gw kecewa dengan beberapa event dalam kehidupan gw dimana gw buang-buang banyak kesempatan berharga.

Tyoooooooooooooooooo! Maafin dirimu ya. Kesel sih. Makanya barusan juga gw post sout out di Friendster ini *similar to status sa facebook i guess*; "missing old times".

Ga bisa! Ga mungkin! Even last month or last year; I just couldn't go back there. Semua adalah sejarah. Baik dan buruk pun sebenarnya ada di sana. Ya, mungkin sekarang emang lebih overwhelmed sama rasa kangen dimana waktu-waktu untuk menunaikan kewajiban utama masih panjang sementara sekarang semua sudah semakin sempit. Waktu itu masih lebih sedikit orang yang sakit hati ama gw; sekarang uda lebih banyak. Ah entahlah..

Gw bukan orang suci tapi gw harus berkata gw BERSYUKUR uda memiliki hidup yang orang lain tidak miliki. Setiap orang kan punya cerita masing-masing. Bersyukur terhadap cobaan yang harus gw alami; moga-moga itu bisa buat gw makin dewasa dalam berfikir dan bertindak. It takes time.

Senin entar gw ujian tengah semester; sekarang sudah di penghujung hari-hari di kampus tercinta. Kampus yang memberikan begitu banyak harapan di masa depan jika gw bisa melewati ujian hidup selama four years to fife (?) only. Kampus yang uda bisa bikin nyokap bangga sampai mencucurkan air mata waktu pertama kali kita sampe di sana. Jadi, sekali lagi gw harus mengingatkan diri gw seindiri *in case not much people would mind that because we are all busy* kalau gw harus melakukan yang terbaik.

Thank you to someone who always supports me. Dukungan yang kamu kasi itu unik; bosan gw dengar pujian tentang diri gw bisa ini dan itu meskipun harus bersyukur juga dan menjadikan itu sebagai dorongan semangat. Well, tapi kali ini semangat gw diboost karena dia meminta dengan integritas bahwa gw harus bisa mendapat hasil terbaik. Makasi makasi ya.. Just what I need. Terkadang kita memang perlu dipukul rotan in a positive way, perlu ada dibawah sebagai orang yang harus menunaikan janji dan sejenisnyalah agar kita lebih tanggap dengan apa yang kita lakukan.

Anyway, segitu dulu.. Mau sarapan..

~ Tyo

Monday, April 6, 2009


Birthday treat with classmates. :) No birthday cakes and candles [teman-teman gue gak romantis], haha! But well I'm so thankful that I had such opportunity to celebrate it with my friends in happiness. Most of all, I thank Him for the days I've going thru. Wish has made! :D

After dinner in Lisung Cafe, North Bandung. The food was so so as this cafe is probably offer the ambience rather than the taste. Har har! We just took some pictures. 

The view of Bandung city was good from the top of the hill Dago Pakar. Unfortunately, there was a power off in some areas in the city that moment. Har har! 

Spending the rest of the night singing like crazy in Nav Dago Plaza.. Yay!

Happy Birthday, Me! God bless!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Call My Name

It's been so long since
You felt like you were loved
So what went wrong
But do you know
There's a place where you belong
Here in My Arms

When you feel like you're alone in your sadness
It seems like no one in this whole world cares
And you want to get away from the madness
You just call My name and I'll be there
You just call My name and I'll be there

The pain inside
Has erased your hope for love
Soon you will find
That I'll give you all
That your heart could ever want
And so much more


You just call My name
You just call My name
Call My name say it now
I want you to never doubt
The love I have for you is so alive
Call My name say it now
I want you to never doubt
The love I have for you is so alive

You just call My name

The love I have for you is so alive

You just call My name