Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Real Strength

The daily measures of failures, trials, and stress we experience can be difficult to handle. We want to stand up and scream sometimes. Somehow, we let ourseves be robbed of the riches we have in God. We lose our joy, that inner quality that makes us to forget small things we say important. Joy wins our hearts and gives us a firm foundation. yet we often look for the opposite of joy --the anxious spirit. We race here and there.

Pada akhirnya, final score untuk semua itu hanyalah akan menjadi "World 1, Me 0", yaitu pada saat kita terperangkap dalam gaya hidup yang mengandalkan kesenangan lain diluar kesenangan di dalam Tuhan. So, why do we still choose to take so much responsibility and pressure on our weak human shoulders? Jawabannya simpel. Kita telah kehilangan tujuan utama kita di dalam hidup ini. Kita menjadi Tuan atas diri kita sendiri dan atas waktu-waktu yang pada dasarnya adalah tidak berarti (Pengkhotbah 1:2). Tentu saja, kita perlu menjadi seorang yang berguna dalam kehidupan ini. Kita perlu belajar, makan, bekerja, beristirahat.

Tapi bagaimana dengan Tuhan? Apakah kita melihat pekerjaan-Nya dalam hidup kita seperti sebuah plester pembalut luka yang melegakan? Is it His purpose to wait for us sampai kita berada di dalam kesukaran yang sangat berat sehingga dia dapat meringankan beban tersebut? Atau sebaliknya, apakah Tuhan telah menjadi alasan dari semua hal yang kita lakukan? Is He real to us?

Is He worthy of our praise. Yes. And when we turn to Him on a daily basis, we find that He comforts us and gives us direction. Instead of relying on our feelings and skills and knowledge, we can seek God's treasures. Tuhan berkata, "Cukuplah kasih karunia-Ku bagimu, sebab justru dalam kelemahanlah kuasa-Ku menjadi sempurna" (2 Korintus 12:9).

Bagaimana kelemahan kita dapat membuat kekuatan Tuhan menjadi nyata? Tuhan menggantikan kelemahan dan keputusasaan kita dengan kekuatan-Nya. Then we can take take hold of the best way to be strong in this life -The joy of the Lord is our strength.

1 comment:

  1. hi!!!first of all im enjoy reading all your blog had posted..even the other word is awkward,,i know all of them is nice and challenging..Let me say something we're the same age..20yrs. old..we already acomplished 2% things frm 100%..we have to find the other percent of acomplisment..we are her to face the real world, but we cannot challenge the world,,its difficult..but we can challenge our self how to face what the real world is..with faith and help of our God(Jesus Christ)..we have a purpose of this world thats why God made us,,,so we have to find that purpose..If God give you any talent use it..not for your self,not for other people, but for Him..Trust God for everything you want to do,,Im sure you will be succesful...Do you believe in that?? GOD BLESS YOU IN SO MANY WAYS...(smile frm me)
