Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our Social Life

I've just read an article about friendship written by Jack Lawson from the magazine of Best Life. I think it's really important for us to know the fact revealed in the article. It says that according to the survey in the United States, three out of four men don't have a single close friend. Why we consider about this is all about the power of friendship and the things that affect your enjoyable life.

Well, when was the last time you enjoyed a genuine laugh with a good friend, maybe we could imagine friends are swilling with laughters and cheers. If we can remember and it wasn't in 2000--we're doing better than those kind of people in the US. Social research says that having a close male buddy is the single most important thing in a man's life. Countless studies have demonstrated the benefits of having a strong social network. Friendship can help lower blood pressure, ward off depression, speed healing after an injury and even prolong our life. That's a good news, isn't that?

Having an action buddy--a hiking partner for example, or the guy who comes by to watch the game and share a few coke--is just as meaningful as the interpersonal relationships that women have. Not only can reduce our stress about study or work, but having a good male friends can actually make us a better husband and parent.

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